When we Ignore our Wild Calling

I've shared this before, and I'll share it again - your body is an oracle, listen to it!

It’s constantly communicating with you - through feelings and sensations.

Well before we get sick, it sends us signals, letting us know when something needs our attention.

As humans, we do a great job of ignoring these signals - pushing on or popping pills to get us through.

The problem is, there’s only so much the body can take.

At some stage, if you ignore the signals for long enough, it’s going to throw its hands in the air and give you something to really think about.

Something that’s going to stop you in your tracks - as it did with me!

This year I decided to shift part of my work online - which meant (initially) less time in nature and more in front of the computer.

The problem was, the wild kept calling.

I'd find myself in the middle of a tech tutorial, lost in my thoughts, gazing down to the forest below.

I'd tell myself to focus - that tomorrow I'd be with the kids and we'd spend most of the day out in nature.

And I'd ignore the niggling headaches that would inevitably come after staring at a screen for too long.

After a month of ignoring the signals - which progressively grew louder and louder, my body let me have it!

Everything from full body aches, migraines and fevers, to nausea, dizziness and insomnia.

I was so sick and by this stage, there wasn’t a lot I could do to help myself.

I don’t know what it was that got me out of bed and stumbling down into the forest on Sunday afternoon.

Sometimes when the mind is too tired to think, the body just takes over.

It heard the wild calling and it would have crawled to the forest if it needed to.

As I shared in a post recently, the moment I arrived, things started to shift simultaneously...

First the tears began to fall

Then the shedding

Then the surrendering

The moment I fell into the water, nothing left to give, something deep within opened. And with this opening – a feeling that finally, I was home.

I don’t know how long I lay there, but for some unmeasurable amount of time, all my symptoms ceased to exist.

In the forest, my body found what it needed to begin healing. It wasn’t going to happen overnight, but it was happening,

We still see ourselves as separate to the natural world – but we are no different to the birds and animals, the plants and stones.

Take us out of our natural habitat, and a part of our essence dies.

Some feel it on a physical/visceral level (as I did) others on a mental, emotional or spiritual level.

This is our wild calling - and I believe we’re seeing so much illness and dis-ease in the world because we’ve stopped listening.

We’ve stopped following our wild calling!


For those interested in exploring this further, the 'Rewilding Series' offers a deep exploration into this work.

We gather on beautiful Gumbaynngirr country, for 3 in-person workshops (held over a 12 week period)

Next round begins on the 25th March, 2023 – and we still have a couple of spots left!


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