Making the 'Wrong' Decision

I used to be terrified of making the ‘wrong’ decision – saying yes when I should have said no, turning right when I should have turned left…

Making any big decision was crippling and would often leave me frozen in my tracks.

I would seek advice from anyone and everyone – even people I didn’t know – because to trust myself was scarier than putting my life in someone else’s hands.

I look back at that girl today with both sadness and empathy – because she was only doing what she was taught to do.

The thing is, there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ decision – whatever path we choose, offers its own learning, its own medicine.

Even those paths that lead us down a slippery slope where we lose our footing and tumble to the bottom in a heap - offer important lessons.

When I retrace my steps, my biggest lessons came from those so called ‘wrong turns’.

The degree I should never have enrolled in, the relationship that never would have worked, the poor decisions I made whilst travelling solo in a foreign country…

If it wasn’t for those ‘wrong turns’, I never would have learnt what I know today!

I never would have learnt how to read the signs of danger, how to navigate an unmarked path, how to trust my own internal authority.

I learnt this through lived experiences - and these experiences offer incredible medicine not just for ourselves, but for others too!

Sometimes we NEED to make wrong decisions in life. We need to take wrong turns, to ‘fuck up’ again and again.

It’s not something we’re taught in school – how to fuck up. Instead were taught how to listen, how to follow instructions, how to pass the test…

Were taught that the only people to trust are external authorities – even when it makes us sick to our stomachs!

Because of the hundreds of wrong turns I’ve taken in my life, I now have a highly tuned inner navigational system (or GPS)

I’ve also learnt how to trust this system – even when everyone around me is screaming ‘NOOOOO - TURN BACK’.

Sure it might be the ‘wrong turn’ – but I’d prefer to take this risk and learn the deep wisdom that comes from making mistakes, than take the easy road.

This inner GPS is not something only a select few people have.

If you have a body, you have a GPS (because it IS your body).

It gives you clear directions every moment of the day – through feelings and sensations – many of us have just forgotten how to listen.

While my work today is centred on deep nature connection, I always begin here – connecting with the body, the self.

If you’re wondering what this has to with connecting to nature – I’ll tell you now, it has EVERYTHING to do with it!

We cannot truly connect to nature without connecting to the self - nature and self go hand in hand, they are intricately connected.

The disconnection we have with natural world (and what’s resulted in the mess we are in today), is directly linked to the disconnection we experience within ourselves.

We need to re-learn, re-member how to tune into our own bodies before we can truly come back to the web of life!



As some of you know, I’ve been quietly working away on a new series of workshops – the ‘Rewilding Series’.

Part 1, ‘Wild Calling’, provides the framework of how to tune into your bodies wisdom – AND offers the tools and practices that will support your journey ahead.

If you want to be kept in the loop, sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of the page!

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